VATIC Expressions
Truth, Transparency, Transformation
In the Meantime...
by Tina Steele
In the meantime…
When things are not going as you planned
And it seems that the Creator’s hand
Is either closed, still, or absent.
In the meantime…
As you watch what were supposed to be your best years
Dissolve like salt in the ocean, leaving nothing but tears
And you wonder where the time went.
In the meantime…
While others glory in their gifts, accomplishments and successes
But your hopes and dreams are a chaotic mess, with
No resolution or solution in sight.
In the meantime…
The struggle between Whose you are and how you feel
Heats up and the pain and disappointment are too real…
But He encourages you to fight.
In the meantime…
The resolve to trust, obey, and follow grows
Though the temptation to settle, withdraw, retreat blows
Heavily and causes life-shifting pain.
In the meantime…
The loud whisper of a silent Savior breaks through
Reassuring that an abundant reaping season is due….
With an invitation to embrace His grace and remain
Connected to the Source,
Despite the force
Unfair jabs
That grab
Your heart and try to break it.
Linked to the Root
Regardless of the brute
Strength of disappointing words,
Unfair and hurtful when heard
By ears seeking strength to make it.
Yet in the meantime, He is near.
So close that all the hurt and fear
Dare not come closer to you.
In this meantime, You have grown stronger
Though this season of purging seemed longer
Than you could bear to go through.
In the meantime, when the disappointment attempts to befriend
And take residence in your heart to break and bend…
He reveals His sacred motive and ultimate plan.
That this meantime was His time to create and consume,
Make your heart like His and carve out room
For the abundance, for over flow and His hand
To shift, shape, show and prove
That no season, no setback, nothing can remove
His mark of greatness, favor and grace...
This meantime, this in between time, this trying time
Is an opportunity to seek and find
Your predestined, fulfilling and secret place...
In Him!
© 2017 Tina L. Steele