VATIC Expressions
Truth, Transparency, Transformation
by David Eagles
One of the most concerning myths and unsound doctrines that has floated around The Body of Christ for years has been the extremely erroneous belief that no matter what, God's will is going to be done. Somehow, some way, though scripture does not bear it out, we've come to comfort ourselves with the belief that if God wants it or is going to do it, there's nothing that can be done to stop or alter it, including nothing WE can do ourselves (the most unsound doctrine is always opinion based and comfort cultivated).
In a season where so many are experiencing loss unaware (because they're losing things that belong to them that they have yet to lay eyes on in the natural) it's apropos to address this thing head on. Let's start by making an obvious statement that for too many is not all that obvious: anything you don't take care of, you will lose. Let that sink in for a bit. Now, before you take that to mean what YOU want it to, let's clarify. We're talking anything: marriage, family, anointing, relationships, positions, money, you name it: if you don't make an intentional investment into the things that have been given to you (and just because you may have worked for or towards some of these things doesn't mean that they haven't been given to you), you can and/or will end up without them. By choosing to make effort optional AFTER being blessed, you've made retention of God's investment in you optional, as well. Nothing grows without care and cultivation; by the same token, death, or loss can come as a result of neglect. Since we're a people who need to have things proven to us, let's look at a few of the examples God left for us of what not to do.
Esau (Gen.25-25-34, 27, 33:1-11, Heb.12:14-17)
Esau did nothing to deserve the right of ownership to the birthright; he was born into it. Nevertheless, the birthright was his. He knew it. Seen, realized, manifested or not, he knew that he had something coming to him, whether he understood it or not. God blessed him with the right to the birthright. Unfortunately, Esau allowed the impatience of his flesh in a moment of time to cause him to literally throw away what God had given him for a lifetime. He wasn't that hungry (neither are YOU), but he allowed his flesh to keep him from operating in the realm that was set aside for something and something set aside for him: the supernatural. Say what you will about God knowing what Esau would do and how it would play out, but Esau didn't know, and his choices literally altered his destiny. The blessing wasn't worth the wait to him, and because he had knowledge of the blessing, but no effort to till and care for it until AFTER he lost it, he lost it, and scripture is very unforgiving of his decision. (Side note: while many will say, "But wait, the Bible says that Esau ended up being blessed anyway; what gives?" Remember, Esau was, but he had nowhere near what Jacob did, nor would he end up with nearly as much. Esau received “a” blessing, but not “THE” blessing-- the one that was his from the Lord. It's important that we understand this because many of us have not amended our ways and we believe we're being blessed when God is, in all honesty, simply having mercy upon us. It's the difference between living by mercy, alone, and living by Grace and Mercy combined. Another time, guys...😊.)
Saul (1 Sam.9:15-10:12, 15:1-16:1, 13 & 14)
Another set of similar circumstances: a guy who has done nothing to earn his appointment to office is handpicked by God to do something great in the Kingdom of God, but throws away a perfectly good opportunity because he starts feeling himself more than God. God did EVERYTHING to set Saul up to succeed, including giving him an entirely new heart, but this, again, proves a point: of you don't take care of what you've been blessed with, you will revert. Saul took it back. Unique to this situation is a glimpse into God's thought process: God, through Samuel, literally tells Saul that He would have established his throne forever if he had simply stuck to the script (paraphrased, of course 😁). Saul, though, did what many of us do… he arrived at a place feeling as though he ARRIVED, like I must know enough, since God put me here, to not have to rely on God as much. The kicker? Saul thought that PARTIALLY doing the will of God was doing the will of God (sound like anybody you know???)!!! One last sobering note in Saul's situation: when God leaves, so does everything else. And let's be mindful, God only leaves when He's asked to, both verbally and non.
The disheartening aspect to this whole epidemic is that too many individuals don't respect loss because they simply believe like the world does: I'll just get another spouse, get another job, find another church, START another church. Can we, if we might, drop this in your lap??? Loss, as a result of neglect, is not a blessable situation. Why would God, in His infinite wisdom, trust an unchanged you with another opportunity that will likely end up the same, just with greater collateral damage? If you've never understood that you're a steward of what God has given you and not an owner, then you're more than likely not into admitting your mistakes or learning from your error; you're too busy blaming others for your predicament (Matt.25:14-30).
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away: handle your business.
God bless.
© 2016 David Eagles